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Lens mount base design for ASAHI Optical Industries film SLR cameras!



at first

I’m sorry

Because we can’t speak english

I am using DeepL translate, so it may be a strange sentence,

but I would like you to understand

Thank you

In this issue, we will look at the lens mount base design of a manual focus film SLR camera released in 1962 by Asahi Optical Industries.

ASAHI PENTAX SV (Reference product)

The lens mount on this body is a P-mount (M42 mount).
The mount base is shaped to go straight down from the underside of the eye-level finder to the underside and is cut at 45 degrees.

The lens mount is built into the mount base. The base is made of steel and is machine pressed. The base has a fold on both sides and is secured with four screws.

It is approximately the same width as the eye-level finder and has a strong straight line base design.

In this article, we introduce the lens mount base of a manual focus SLR camera released in 1962 by Asahi Optical Industries.

In the early days of Asahi Optical Industries’ SLR cameras, the design was basically linear, and there were few designs with smooth curves. Since steel was the norm in those days, there were restrictions on parts production, and this design is thought to have been adopted.

I think the diagonally cut design instead of curves is very good.


I will continue to write columns on the lens mount base design of film SLR cameras and other areas of interest, so please look forward to them!

Thank you again for reading this column.

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Writer Takashi Okumura




