ASAHI OPT.(PENTAX) Super Multi Coated TAKUMAR 35mm F/3.5 Lens cleaning work

at first
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Because we can’t speak english
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We will be cleaning these lenses that we purchased this time.

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First, remove the filter and rear lens cap from the lens.

Dust the exterior of the lens body with a blower.

The body is wiped with a towel using anhydrous ethanol.

After dusting the front lens with a blower
Use anhydrous ethanol and wipe with silvon paper.

After dusting the rear lens with a blower
Use anhydrous ethanol and wipe with silvon paper.

Dust the lens mount with a blower.
Use anhydrous ethanol and wipe with silvon paper.

Wipe the lens filter with Silbon paper using anhydrous ethanol.

Wipe the rear cap with Silbon paper using anhydrous ethanol.

Finally, check the lens operation.

Lens filter and rear cap attached

Cleaning is completed.

Super-Multi-Coated in this lens is
At the time of its release, two-layer lens coatings were the norm for other manufacturers.
This was the first time in the world that a lens was coated with a maximum of seven layers.
I would love to compare this lens with other lenses from the same era and take pictures of the same subject to see the difference.
I would like to find differences in color, backlighting, etc.
Why don’t you get into the world of vintage lenses!
Writer T.Okumura