Maintenance Report

Exposures plain and simple!




at first

I’m sorry

Because we can’t speak english

I am using DeepL translate, so it may be a strange sentence,

but I would like you to understand

Thank you

Recently, I have been writing about film SLR camera
terminology as clearly as possible in my maintenance reports.


I will write about “exposure.”

Reference camera Nikon F3 Eyepoint HP

Exposure is the amount of light reaching the film.

The brightness or darkness of the resulting photograph is
related to exposure.

And most cameras, except compact cameras, have
an exposure meter.

In an SLR camera, the amount of light from the lens passes
through a mirror, etc. to the part that receives the
light (light-receiving part) and determines the
amount of light.

And I have introduced them in previous columns.
Aperture” and “Shutter Speed” are related.

For more information on each of these, please click below.

What is aperture?

What is shutter speed?

This Nikon F3 is used as a reference for this explanation.

When taking a picture, you should
Manual Exposure mode and Aperture Priority AE ( Auto Exposure ).

1.when shooting with manual exposure

Set the shutter dial to the shutter speed you want to use.
(Set to shutter speed 30)

The LCD display appears in the viewfinder when the
shutter release button is pressed lightly. (Top right image)

Use the exposure compensation dial to compensate for
the results of this display.

A value of -+, as shown in the image, is the reference
exposure value.

-, + , for numeric display on a single character

Use the exposure compensation dial to adjust.

2.when shooting with aperture priority auto exposure

Turn the shutter dial to A.

When the shutter release button is pressed lightly, the automatically
detected shutter speed is displayed in the window.
(Top right image)

The above is a basic description of exposure.

Each manufacturer has a different exposure compensation
system, but the basics should be the same as described here.

I will write another column in the future with any
additional information.

Stay tuned for next time!

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Writer Takashi Okumura
