Maintenance Report



Lunch & Dinner

at first

I’m sorry

Because we can’t speak english

I am using DeepL translate, so it may be a strange sentence, but I would like you to understand

Thank you

In everyday life, there is always a lot of good old-fashioned feeling.

So many restaurants to use for meetings, especially!

Suddenly I saw the lighting umbrellas.

The shape of those umbrellas and the moderate blue color–vintage!

This one has the same shape, but the colors are again just the right amount of brown and green!

The wall decor is classic trucks!

When you get to the table.

The chairs again, with the right color, the right design!

Today, we are still in this vintage atmosphere.
We had a good meeting!

Strangely enough, I find myself surrounded by
I am surrounded by vintage.

Writer T.Okumura
