KYOCERA P-mini PANORAMA Camera cleaning work

at first
I’m sorry
Because we can’t speak english
I am using DeepL translate, so it may be a strange sentence,
but I would like you to understand
Thank you

We will be cleaning this camera that we purchased this time.
Click here for our YouTube channel
Remove dust from the exterior

Open the film chamber and remove dust

Wipe the metal parts with cotton swab with anhydrous ethanol

Clean the battery compartment of the LCD

Insert CR2025 battery for operation check

Swab the main battery compartment with anhydrous ethanol

Insert the battery to check the operation.

Clean the lens with a cotton swab using anhydrous ethanol

Clean the viewfinder.

Clean the camera case

The material of the edge of the case is deteriorated.

Check the operation. Shutter, flash

Rewind check

Check date section LCD

Cleaning and operational checks are complete
This camera is believed to have been released around 1990.
The camera features a panoramic frame that is placed
in the film chamber to take pictures.

This is a very rare specification.
It’s quite an interesting camera, isn’t it!
This is indeed Kyocera, a manufacturer that has released such
eccentric products as the SAMURAI!
It is a great pity that there is no camera division now.
It would be fun to have this camera dedicated to panoramic photography!
Please get this camera and enjoy!
Writer Takashi Okumura