Maintenance Report

Canon AV-1 (+Zoom Lens NewFD 35-105mm f/3.5 Macro) camera・lens cleaning work



Canon AV-1 (+Zoom Lens NewFD 35-105mm f/3.5 Macro)

We will be cleaning this camera that we purchased this time

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Remove dust from the exterior of the body

Open the film chamber and remove dust

Wipe with Silvon paper and cotton swabs using anhydrous ethanol

Clean the battery compartment

Swab with anhydrous ethanol

Insert batteries to check operation

Remove dust from the mirror section

Body appearance.
Wipe with a towel using anhydrous ethanol

Clean the viewfinde

Remove dust from the exterior of the attached (for parts removal) lens body

The body itself is wiped with a towel using anhydrous ethanol

After dusting the front lens.
Use anhydrous ethanol and wipe with silvon paper

After dusting the rear lens.
Use anhydrous ethanol and wipe with silvon paper

After dusting the lens mount
Use anhydrous ethanol and wipe with silvon paper

Check the operation

Cleaning and operation checks have been completed

This camera was introduced in 1979

Canon’s official website can be found here

Canon Official Website

And for more information about the camera


The main camera body for this project is
Shutter, self-timer
Good appearance!

The attached lens has a scratch on the front side of the exterior.
The lens has mold and dirt on the inner lens.

The aperture feathers do move.
We will say that it comes with the body for parts.

With this camera that looks great in black.
Enjoy your film camera life!

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Writer Takashi Okumura
