Maintenance Report

Film compact camera flash design! Part2!



at first

I’m sorry

Because we can’t speak english

I am using DeepL translate, so it may be a strange sentence,

but I would like you to understand

Thank you

Continuing from the previous column,
I was curious about the design of the flash built into the film compact camera, so I would like to write using the product currently on sale at our company Vintage Shop Japan Inc.

The flash is indispensable for film compact cameras, but regardless of the manufacturer, each flash design shows its own individuality.

In this issue, we will look at the flash designs of Olympus and Konica film compact cameras.


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On the Olympus OZ 80 ZOOM, it looks like the inside of the flash has a horizontal slit.

When close-up, you can see the vertical slit.

Konica Z-up 150 VP

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The flash of the Konica Z-up 150 VP has a slit in the side.

The slits are widely spaced.

Again, I have seen the flash designs of two film compact cameras, and I think the difference between the vertical and horizontal slits gives the manufacturer’s unique identity.

I don’t think flash design has anything to do with photography, but I tend to focus on the irrelevant parts (laughs)!

I’ve been writing a lot of miscellaneous columns lately, so I’d like to focus more on the practical side of things!

Thank you for reading my column today.

In addition to the film compact cameras introduced this time,
We sell vintage cameras, lenses, anime goods, and radio cassette players, so please visit the URL below.

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Writer Takashi Okumura



