For your appetite!
Lunch & Dinner

at first
I’m sorry
Because we can’t speak english
I am using DeepL translate, so it may be a strange sentence, but I would like you to understand
Thank you
It was near my office today.
Curry restaurant where I often go to eat
It is Nepalese curry and the name of the restaurant is

In conclusion
It’s delicious!
Today’s lunch is
Pork curry, naan set.
Spiciness is 5x💦.
Best spiciness for hot summers!

It comes with a salad and this dressing.
made with radish and carrot.

Healthy dressing, and tasty too (^^)

Comparatively speaking, things that are good for you taste a little
Although many of them are not to my palate.
but this dressing is really good!
It’s more like a dressing.
It is more like a light sauce made from vegetables.

The first set comes with “naan,” but
but I always order one more piece of naan.

Five times spicier today!
It’s strange, the more I eat, the more my appetite grows and grows ( ´艸`).

Not the flour-based roux curry that Japanese people often eat.
but a tomato and paprika based curry with various spices.

This curry leaves me feeling very energized after eating it!
Very spicy, but delicious!

And finally, cool down with a banana shake!

After filling your stomach to the brim…
with the owner, Mr. KHARAL NARAYAN, and his wife, PANDEY HIMA.
Three shots!

The person on the right looks nervous for some reason( ´艸`).
We had a great meal today!
(Means “thank you” in English!)

I could eat it every day and want it again, EVEREST!
Come and taste it for yourself!

Click here for EVEREST’s Google site is here↓.
EVEREST’s Instagram is here↓.
Writer T.Okumura