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Found with a Minolta AF lens!



at first

I’m sorry

Because we can’t speak english

I am using DeepL translate, so it may be a strange sentence,

but I would like you to understand

Thank you

I wrote this column because I made a new discovery with Minolta AF lenses.

I will write with reference to the lenses that are on sale at our vintage shop Japan Inc.

Minolta AF ZOOM 24-105mm f/3.5-4.5 D

Click here for product URL

Click here for columns on cleaning work

Click here for related column (1)

Click here for related column (2)

Click here for related column (3)

The minimum focusing distance with a typical autofocus lens is as shown in the image below.

(Reference Nikon AF lenses)

Minolta lenses now display the minimum focusing distance in a window.

I do not know at this point why it has a window.

I would like to investigate whether it is just a zoom lens or a design thing, etc., and make a column about it in the future.

In addition to the above products, we also sell vintage cameras and lenses, so please see the URL below.

Cameras & Lenses

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Animation Goods

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Acoustics and others

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Writer Takashi Okumura



