Maintenance Report

Minolta MC-ROKKOR PG50mmF1.4 (with hood) Cleaning work


at first

I’m sorry

Because we can’t speak english

I am using DeepL translate, so it may be a strange sentence, but I would like you to understand

Thank you

We worked on cleaning the Minolta lenses we purchased this time.

Minolta MC-ROKKOR PG50mmF1.4

(1) Cleaned the front cap with a blower.

(2) Cleaning the lens filter.

Blowing off dust with a blower.

(3) Cleaning the filter rubber cover
  Clean with anhydrous ethanol.

 Cleaning the side of rubber cover

 Cleaning of filter lens

④Cleaning the lens body

⑤Cleaning of front lens
 Cleaning with anhydrous ethanol using silvon paper.

⑥Cleaning of the rear lens

⑦Cleaning of the mount part

⑧Check the operation

⑨Clean the lens cap

After finishing cleaning.

The lens was equipped with a lens filter and rubber cap, but we carefully and meticulously cleaned it.

We couldn’t help but smile when we saw the clean lens! We will do a thorough cleaning next time.
Writer T.Okumura
